Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Five: Fall Word Association


Singing Owl at Rev Gal Blog Pals writes:

The Canadian geese are excited, forming up and practicing, encouraging each other with honking, the Wisconsin fall color is at peak where I am, and in Kohl's Dept. Store the Christmas decorations are up. Yep, Fall is here. It's my turn to do the Rev Gal Blog Pals Friday Five. It has been a while since we did one of these word association Friday Fives, so here goes, with an autumnal theme. I know, fall is one way on this side of the world and different in other places, but please bear with me as I post words that say FALL--at least where I am.
Give us the the first word that comes to mind (you know how that works, right?) and then add a little something about why, or how or what.
1. Pumpkins – Jack o' Lanterns – with a light shining through its face.

2. Campfire – Singing around the campfire in LOTS of places – Girl Scout Camp, church camp, family outings and now in this place of service as we gather around the fire each fall for an evening of relaxation and fellowship.

3. Apples – Cider made fresh in the cider press. One of my favorite childhood memories is making cider with my Dad at home.

4. Color – Trees with their leaves turning red and yellow – but particularly the reds – unfortunately the extreme hot weather this summer seems to have flattened the colors this fall here in Pittsburgh.

5. Halloween – one of my favorite holidays – but I sure had a had time explaining this holiday to our visitors from Malawi this past week. The leaves are simply dropping to the ground.

And since it is REV Gals and their Pals, here is the bonus question, sort of a serious one:

What does the following passage from Daniel 2 make you think about?
"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever;
Wisdom and power are his...
He changes times and seasons

A reminder that wherever he leads, it is safe to follow. I have seen the time and seasons of my life change seemingly overnight but have always found that God knows the plans he has for me … even when I have failed … he is faithful!

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